Mining and exploration


Currently, the industry leaders and prominent market players employ pioneering solutions to add the process automation, transform the policies and development strategies with the introduction of brand new technologies in assessing and measuring quantities on the mine or in the exploration of deposits. 

While applying the unmanned aviation, proactive users of the industry gain the opportunity to simplify the planning of exploration and mining operations. The airborne sensing information gathered by the unmanned aircraft provides effective means to resolve the number of issues, namely:

  • the ground and surface mapping, terrain and relief studies and exploration, identifying terrain changes on the time scale;
  • the volume estimation in planning of mining works and operations;
  • the topographic data collection by means of the aerial photography in remote areas;
  • the digital processing of aerial data in the generation of 3D models including digital terrain and surface models;
  • the quick data acquisition in the decision-making on the improvement and modernization of the infrastructural possibilities and infrastructure traffic load.